
"I have always followed Marcel's colorful professional career with great interest. He takes great interest in people from whatever background and his advice is anything else than skin deep."

Christopher G. Moore

Schriftsteller, Bangkok

"Leider verlieren wir mit Ihnen einen der interessantesten Studierenden der letzten Jahre."

Anthony Wright

Dozent Soziale Arbeit, ZHAW,_Zürich

"Marcel's acute intelligence and enquiring mind coupled with a varied and unconventional life has made him the insightful and wise thinker he is today. He is a true philomath... and a good friend."

John P. Bowmer

Ehem. Chairman & CEO, Adecco

"Marcel hat uns bei Fragen, welche die Sozialhilfe betreffen, jeweils fachkundig beraten."

Br. Fidelis Schorer

Franziskanerpater und Spitalseelsorger, Glarus

"Marcel is a deep thinker on philosophy, psychology and culture and he cuts through difficult academic concepts to give us new understandings."

Tom Butler-Bowdon

Schriftsteller, Oxford

"A compassionate man who has a social conscience."

Dr. Marc Faber


"Every university would be proud to have you as a philosophy student."

Prof Dr Sc Aneta Karageorgieva

Professor of Philosophy, Sofia University St. Kl. Ohridski

"Marcel, you are a person of great character and virtue."

Fasil Merawi PhD

Lecturer in Philosophy, Addis Abeba University

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